Saturday, February 27, 2016

My experience at Athirapilli falls

Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!This is the location that enhanced the beauty of so many songs and scenes.The waterfalls from which kamal jumps in punnagai mannan,aishwarya rai enjoys rain in Guru,Vikram falls in love in raavanan,mohan lal sings narumugaye in iruvar.Yes I made it. Athirapilli falls, Chalakudy, Kerala.The road from chalakudy town to the waterfalls will definitely make you feel the difference between fake and truth. You will find dense forest on both the sides.I was lucky enough to see a herd of elephants. There are few beautiful water bodies that add colour to the forest.Above all you will find the drive very peaceful.So here I go with my experience.

Once I reached the spot,It was quite a long walk from the gate. At about 40m away from the water,it looked just like a normal river.As the distance reduced,the excitement shot up exponentially.The view was simply mindblowing.A small right turn did distract me from going to the river. An amazing path with bamboo fence attracted me and I took a walk through the path. It wasnt an easy path to walk through.But still I walked down the hill.It was quite gloomy due to the shadows of gigantic trees. A typical forest environment in spite of being a hot spot for the tourists. For a minute I couldnt believe my eyes.I was spellbound. What a minute that was!!!!!!!Huge rocks and splashing water. Nobody can stop loving that view.I was too lucky to stand just a few metres away from the magic. I was fully drenched though I was at quite a distance from the falls due to the splash... I could see 3 waterfalls at a time and my heart skipped a beat.I feel the pics can speak a lot more than my words. Please do make a visit to this place. Truly a lifetime experience.

PS : These photos were clicked by me and I am not a professional photographer. So please excuse if the quality of the photos is poor.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Power of Education

We come across multiple social issues in our day to day life. At a signal,we see many 4 or 5 year old kids begging. We either give them money or shout at them. We hire 15 year old girls as maids. We pay them for their work but do not think their need for school.We see various cases of
child labor in construction and other professions. We ignore them and move on with our work even though it is illegal.We see girls getting married at the age of 15 and 16.These are few of the examples we see in our day to day life.

Why do we have such issues in our society?

According to me,the answers for this question is “IGNORANCE” and "LACK OF EDUCATION".
If a child goes to school, there is no need for the child to beg. If his/her parents are made to realize that few years of hard work and toil can yield a better quality of life than child labor and exploitation,things would definitely change. If a girl child is well educated,she cannot be exploited as a maid or a home maker or a sex worker at the age of 15/16 (you will definitely find this sentence a bit rude but that is the bitter fact).

How do we get rid of these issues?

*Sponsor 2 children for their education as much as you can. If it is not manageable,seek your friends'support. It is not necessary that we have to provide them education in international schools.There are pretty decent government schools in our country. Make them study there. There are many NGOs that provide scholarship for their higher studies. Take a bit of pain to get the fruit which is readily available.

*Inform your company’s Corporate social responsibility team about the children who deserve better education. Almost all the companies support such initiatives to help the society.

*If monetary support is too much of an ask,talk to the parents and make them feel responsible about their child's education.Try to suggest few solutions for their problems.Make them feel confident about the child’s ability to study well.

* Start spending some time on conducting private classes on basic spoken english and other subjects.

Above mentioned are few steps which I have seen most of my friends doing and which has also inspired me to contribute to some extent. These may sound very difficult and impossible, but they are not.We cannot expect the government to take each and every step for our nation’s improvement.We
are a part of the government and we have the same responsibility to steer the nation in the right direction. A revolution is not expected out of every one of us. Let us start doing small things. Every small drop of education will create an ocean of prosperity.

Educate a child .A family would grow.

Educate a family.A village would grow.

Educate a village.A district would grow.

Educate a district.A state would grow.

Educate a state. The country would grow.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Love Your Life

“All my friends are MBA grads from reputed B-Schools but I am not. All my colleagues earn more than a lakh but I don't. Everybody around me own a house/car but I do not.All my relatives live abroad but I still work in this small city."
We keep hearing these kind of statements from people who are frustrated with their lives. To get rid of frustration, people join meditation classes,multiple counseling sessions etc and if none of them work out,they start letting out their frustration on the family members and screw the happiness around them. Lets just ask one question to ourselves.
“So What?” I feel this question can make us realize that we are worth living a happy life.

When you keep questioning yourself about your position during your fall,you are just keeping your mind away from all the good things around you. You may not have a MBA degree,but you would have studied what you wanted to or you would have excelled in what you did. You may not earn lakhs but you are still making your family happy with your earning. You may not own a luxurious house but you live in a happy home. You may not live in US or UK but you are living with your own people celebrating each and every festival,talking your language and enjoying your life.

Positivity is there all around the world. It is just that our worries and frustration make us forget it. Frustration and depression can never answer any of our questions. Instead they would make us ask wrong question to ourselves which will break the confidence completely.
Life has given us so many gifts. Let us not cover our eyes with illusions and miss all the good things which are worth enjoying.
Embrace the life as it comes.We don’t get what we want but we get what we deserve because we always deserve better than what we want.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Art of Giving

Life – the best movie with balanced emotions. Every second of our life is precious but we never realize it .We either regret for yesterday’s mistake or fear of tomorrow’s risk but forget to live today. Living for others is a boon .Hardly few people enjoy the result of this boon.

Generally most of us go for branded products and get irritated if we don’t get the particular brand we want, we are bored of being vegetarians and prefer KFC, Mc Donald, Marry brown and so on to enjoy variety of food almost every day, we love spending all the weekends at shopping malls and theatres with friends. The main problem is we don’t know the difference between necessity, passion and luxury. Getting what we need is necessity, spending for our passion is fine but if we are going behind luxury then we are on the wrong side.

The above mentioned activities may showcase our luxury but not our human values. We are not expected to be deprived of all these fantasy(I am one among the billion who love all these ) but we also have responsibility to bring up the society which has lifted us to this position.

Do you want to experience the real pleasure? Do you want to sense the feel of satisfaction? Do you want to taste the ultimate peace? You have a very easy way to achieve all these. It is nothing but “Sharing”. Giving is a wonderful art designed by god /nature. Have you ever given a packet of food for people struggling for their day to day living you see every day in your street? Have you ever thought of educating a deserving kid? Have you ever hugged an old person with all love and care who was abandoned by the family staying near your place? Have you ever donated blood for saving a life? If you have done these things, be proud to call yourself a human. If not, then the other way. Even animals share food among themselves and when one animal dies, other animals mourn at least by standing near it. We are human beings (actually so called human beings). If we are not shedding tears after seeing a person suffering in front of our eyes or not ready to give our hands to lift him up, what is the point of having sixth sense?

Life can never be complete without sharing what we have. Society is not about going higher and making others see us. It is all about living and making others live. “Life is short, Make it sweet, Live for others”

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just Me

Dark sky, stars playing hide and seek with the clouds, abandoned road, sound of splashing waves, mild music gliding from my ears to heart and then to my soul, a long drive and JUST ME. One of the best moments one must not miss. I did not miss it though. It makes you feel the real goodness in loneliness.

The road which always floods with heavy traffic had seldom crowd. 12:00 AM in the morning, started my car from home, took a ten kilometre drive along the beach road. The soothing music kept enhancing the feeling of lightness. I started humming the song without my knowledge. The nature gifted another song, nothing but the beach waves.

The hide and seek game had come to an end and clouds had won the game. They were cherishing the winning moment in the form of slight drizzle. I was completely lost. The breezy atmosphere added flavour to the magical moment. The speedometer hardly experienced fluctuation. The acceleration exactly reflected the state of my mind. The drive was neither too fast nor too slow. The wipers were dancing. Even the brake was happy as it had no work. What a moment that was!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is made up of many wonderful moments and this can definitely be considered as one among them. Even the moments of loneliness can be made memorable.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Right or Wrong?????

Am I right or wrong? I am sure in most of the scenarios we get this doubt and get clarified by others. Let it be a simple dress or our career or even our soul mate. We always get confused. Why do we ask this question? Just to obtain perfection and not to get misguided. But how will others know what are we actually thinking of? This is the point where we do a mistake.

There is nothing called right or wrong. It completely depends on our perception. If your heart and mind says you are right, that is definitely correct. If something strongly resists you from doing it, then it is definitely wrong. It is not a difficult decision. A few minutes of deep thinking can make you take a crystal clear decision. But when you let others decide your life, things might look perfect initially but at the end of the day you become a victim. Just take the suggestion, think about it and analyze it. Finally YOU take a decision.

When the result is positive, be happy for it and cherish the moment but when you realize that you were wrong, never repeat it. There is no point in regretting because it is your own decision and it is not going to solve the problem. The best option is to take things as they come to you. Mere positive thinking may not make your life bright but taking things with a positive attitude will make you reach heights. After all life is not a cake walk but it is the most interesting game. Take risk, enjoy it and finally win the game over the previous failure.