Saturday, August 20, 2011

Right or Wrong?????

Am I right or wrong? I am sure in most of the scenarios we get this doubt and get clarified by others. Let it be a simple dress or our career or even our soul mate. We always get confused. Why do we ask this question? Just to obtain perfection and not to get misguided. But how will others know what are we actually thinking of? This is the point where we do a mistake.

There is nothing called right or wrong. It completely depends on our perception. If your heart and mind says you are right, that is definitely correct. If something strongly resists you from doing it, then it is definitely wrong. It is not a difficult decision. A few minutes of deep thinking can make you take a crystal clear decision. But when you let others decide your life, things might look perfect initially but at the end of the day you become a victim. Just take the suggestion, think about it and analyze it. Finally YOU take a decision.

When the result is positive, be happy for it and cherish the moment but when you realize that you were wrong, never repeat it. There is no point in regretting because it is your own decision and it is not going to solve the problem. The best option is to take things as they come to you. Mere positive thinking may not make your life bright but taking things with a positive attitude will make you reach heights. After all life is not a cake walk but it is the most interesting game. Take risk, enjoy it and finally win the game over the previous failure.


  1. Nice start Anagha–
    The Power of “self” is decision making nevertheless right or wrong, it is us and our choice. Best decision anyone can take by looking at mirror ---a another copy of you - --- true picture ---blessed sole inside --- shows you “God” which struggled a lot to make you kind at the same time a tough human being.

    By keeping faith in you whatever you think is good will be always “Right”

  2. Hey ur going abt theory of relativity. what is right for me might be wrong for you, its the individuals perception ie. to whom the concern is relative to that we can define as right or wrong. So scientifically what im doing is always right as im going to consider myself as the frame of reference :P

  3. i meant the same .... Kaushik u r always the same..... mudila.....

  4. good one anagha.As you have said we are responsible for all our decisions. and our destiny will be decided by three things
    1. making use of chances we get
    2. choices we make
    3 changing and adapting ourselves to above 2

    keep going!! let ur blogs be thought provoking and be an eye opener to all our juniors to make SELF decision about their career esp.

  5. Dear Friend,

    A simple yet powerful thought provoking post. You have said the Bhagawad Gita in Thirukkural form.

    My wishes for your continued writing.

    Prakash N - Visit this if you know tamil.

  6. Wow.. amazing our inner feeling..keep writing dood..don't stop it
